Elena Bonner about NATFHE boycott of Israel scientists|
Open Letter I have no privilege to belong to professional community of scientists and scientific workers, but I feel it my moral debt to take a risk and express my attitude to the decision of Britain’s National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (NATFHE).
NATFHE recent Appeal to boycott Israel scientists is analogous to the notorious UN Resolution which placed on the same footing Zionism and racialism. I shall not try to guess if some day members of this organization feel strongly ashamed of their decision and they will quietly “bury” it, just like UN buried its Resolution. I believe that the only adequate and worthy reaction to this NATFHE decision must be appeal to scientists of all countries to boycott NATFHE and all arrangements with its participation.
Perhaps my view of the world scientific community is too optimistic. But I suppose that there are many people in the world who possess developed feeling of disgust and self-preservation, who understand that virus of racialism is not less dangerous for Mankind, than virus of AIDS or bird flue. Elena Bonner 1 June 2006 |
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