January 1, 2013 in Jerusalem, the third conference on the establishment of Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria was held. Conference, which was organized by Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover — leaders of the "Women in Green" (the name — from the rejection by members of the movement the "green line" separating the territory "occupied" in 1967), caused a huge public interest and has become a landmark event in the new history of Israel, in some way, I think, it may be put in parallel with Balfour Declaration — 1917.
The special importance of the conference is that it took place on the eve of elections to the Knesset on 22 January, and the interest in it is due to the natural reaction of the Israeli society concerned about UN vote on the recognition of Palestinian state. (According to the just-concluded election polls 76% of Israel's population, i.e. 83% of the Jewish population, are convinced that the Israeli withdrawal to the borders "before 1967" will not satisfy the Palestinian Arabs ).
For the information on the conference, please visit and here
Briefly the ideas and appeals of the conference are as follows:
— The new Government of Israel should adopt the "Levi Report" as its official document which will be the background for the foreign and domestic policies of Israel ("Levi Report" was issued in July 2012 by the Law Commission headed by Judge Edmond Levy; it denied "illegality" of Jewish settlements in the" occupied territories", referring to the fact that the term "occupation" has no legal basis and is not applicable to the territories taken by Israel as a result of the 6-day war of 1967, for the simple reason that these territories had never been under the sovereignty of any State).
— The idea of "two states for two peoples" West of the River Jordan — is unrealistic, the creation of Palestinian state is a major threat not only to Israel's security, but to the entire civilized world. With its double application to the UN to recognize this state PA leadership undermines the Oslo agreement and forces Israel to implement emergency safety measures, among them — the necessity to establish of Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.
— The individual rights of Palestinian Arabs living in Judea and Samaria must be strictly observed by the Israeli authorities in accordance with internationally recognized standards and regardless of his/her citizenship or stateless status.
— And, as Nadia Matar said in her concluding word: "For 20 years (after the Oslo Agreement – B.A.) consciousness of Israelis was poisoned by the "Land for Peace" idea, while life has shown that any territorial concession is a sort of 'national suicide’. Judea and Samaria – are the heart and brain of the People of Israel. And politicians who offer to give up Judea and Samaria, are like the doctor, who for the sake of the patient's recovery propose to remove his heart and his brain."
January 8, 2013
Boris Altshuler,
"The Balfour Declaration — 2013" in the Israeli newspaper "Vesty" (Russian language).