Our story is more important than ever. The traumatic situation in Sderot is far from over. Since the "cease-fire" in 2008, Southern Israel has received nearly one thousand rockets. These continuing events that have occurred during our editing will become part of the film's story, and add tremendous perspective. With the expansion of the “Red Zone” outside of Sderot, with rockets now threatening more than one million Israelis, Sderot has become a symbol. Sderot's reality has become the fate of Israel. Sderot represents the ongoing collision between abnormality and normality, the contrast between everyday life and existential danger —— the complexities, paradoxes, miracles and absurdities that are Israel. Our story continues...
Exciting things are happening! We are hard at work editing and shaping the film from our original assembly into a solid cut. We are also thrilled to be working with Stuart Schoffman, a seasoned journalist and screenwriter, who has come on board to help us craft our narrative. His expertise has added tremendous value the film!
Personally, I've been doing a great deal of work to educate the international community about what is happening in Sderot (and now the entire south of Israel.) I've given many tours of Sderot to Birthright and Federation groups, to explain from a personal perspective how it feels to live under the constant threat of rocket attacks. I've received an incredible response, and every group asks how they can help promote the film when it is released.
We've received two grants from private foundations. These contributions have allowed us to put together our rough cut —— the largest hurdle. As we approach the finish line, we'll need to fund the last stage of post production. In the next several weeks, we'll be launching a Kickstarter campaign to try and reach our goal.
We will be in touch with more updates about the film. In the meantime be sure to check out our Facebook page, where we post up-to-the-minute news about what is happening in Sderot and its environs. And see below for more about Sderot and our musicians.
We are so grateful to all of you for your support!
Laura Bialis